Sunday, November 29, 2009

Philippines Here I Come

It has been almost 27 years since the last time I was in the Philippines. This time Jesse took me to celebrate our week long celebration of my 50th birthday! What a celebration it is!

It took 4 hours from Inchon, South Korea to Manila. We arrived at midnight in Manila. My nephew Mario, whom I have not seen all these years and a couple of his friends came to pick us up to take us to La Union Province. I was born in raised in Cadaclan, San Fernando City, La Union in the northern part of the Philippines. It wasn't a city yet when I left, it became a city in 1986. Mario and one of his friends took turns driving and it took about 6 hours with a couple of stops to reach La Union. Jesse slept through the trip while I was up most of it. We arrived early in the morning and for the first time I met Mario's family. He was only a teen-ager when I left.

Inchon airport in Korea

The birthday girl!

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