Saturday, September 26, 2009

We Miss The Boat!! Literally

We really missed the boat! Jesse had a fishing trip with his co-workers, they call it "team building" trip yesterday. The family were invited. It was at a dock somewhere close to the airport. We had the car again and we left at 5:30 in the morning and the boat was to depart at 7:00 am. We didn't make it because there was so much traffic delay on the road and we missed the exit and once you miss it, it takes miles to turn around and when we got back to the right road (I was on the phone with Jesse's co-worker and he told us the boat was departing.) We were still going to try and at least see the area but the traffic was so bad, we decided to turn around and go to Seoul instead. While on the way, we changed our mind and go to Yongsan Base (the main Base in Seoul) to see if we can have lunch with our friends, the McDonalds, who are leaving for the States. When we got there, we bump into them, just mom and the kids though and we went to breakfast instead. I was a little disappointed not able to go fishing but Jesse didn't mind. Jesse decided to shop for stuff he wants instead. Well on the way home was an adventure with frustration. Yeah, yeah we have the navigation and it was a lot of help but we keep missing the exit to take us home. It was frustrating because the turn around is so far and the other drivers are just so bad, on the positive side we saw a lot of Seoul. I am glad we do not live in Seoul. It is so congested with cars, people, buildings and everything else, worse than Honolulu. I have come to appreciate our area, the countryside. I am sure there will be other times we will go to Seoul but I will take public transportation because it won't take as long and the subway is much more easy to use or take.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Korean Folk Village

The Base had an excursion to the Korean Folk Village in the city of Suwon last Saturday and Jesse and I went. There were about 30 people from the Base that went on the tour bus. It took about 2 hours to get there because the bus had to stop at 1 more Base before going to the village. The village shows how the Korean's lifestyle was. Seeing these reminds me a lot of how my family lived in the Philippines when I was growing up. You can see why I really wanted to come to America which I am so thankful to the Lord for all my blessings. I guess farming life in the past no matter what country you are from, there are a lot of similarities especially in these part of the world.

I took this picture while on the bus on the way to the village. I guess the economy here is not that bad as at home because we passed so many of these buildings being built.

Harley Davidson is here too.

The Village

Fall is here, some of the leaves are changing.

Temple like resting areas

Very serene

Me, trying to learn how to weave a basket to carry things from the field.

Walking on a tightrope show. He did several acrobatic while on the rope.

Traditional dance. They also had a traditional wedding but we didn't go. Also there's areas for the kids to play at.

Jesse and Eeyore. Very docile animal.

Horse whisperer.

One of the many resting huts along the river. Jesse tried to sleep in it while I went in the vegetable areas. You have to remove your shoes before going in.

I remember when I was little, we had a house like this, the only difference it was on a stilt. Check out the roofing material, it is grass. It had to be replaced every year. Then when I was older, my family change it to tin. Now, my house in Arizona has tile. What a contrast!

They grow Hemp! I asked Jesse if it is what I think it is and he said, he think so.

The rice field. Imagine me planting rice in the mud. Yes, I did that. Then we had to cut them when it is time to reap and trash them by gripping enough rice stalks then hit it against a wall to get the rice (kernel, is that what's its called) separate from it.

Chinese Cabbage (Napa). Yes, I did plant that too, only we did, Bok choy.

Old way, this is how to remove the husk from the rice before cooking it. Like how you use mortar and pestle, just bigger. Yes, I did that too, before we had machinery.

Storing jars, I think it is where they make and store Kim Chee too. They dry the chili's anywhere.

After a tiring day, Jesse and I treated ourselves with tea and Halo-halo (if you are a filipino, you know what it is) a cold dessert, consist of shave ice, different kinds of chopped fruits, and it had some kind of beans.

Interesting sightings in Korea

The whole pig at the commissary. I asked the guy what was if for? He said they are roasting it for a celebration for an officer. Roast pig anyone? Yummmmmm!

Double park anywhere, even in the middle of a busy road on the crosswalk.

Chili season! Dry them anywhere even on the sidewalk.

Park anywhere, even on the sidewalk. I took this picture one afternoon on our way home. You can see our apartment buildings way in the back.

Our Simple Life-Apartment

Our life in South Korea is very simple as I've told everyone. I am blessed and I can't asked for anything more, I have my salvation, Jesse, 2 beautiful daughters and a puppy (I miss them a lot) my health back, these are the most important thing in my life. I thought I want to share how simple and thankful I am. The Lord has blessed us tremendously.

The Entryway, shoes has to be remove as you enter in. No shoes allowed inside, the oriental tradition.

The Door

Hallway with interesting lighting and tapestries on the wall

The living room - see no TV

Jesse's office - see all his toys - as of last count, there are 4 computers

First Bedroom - any takers? Bring your own bedding.

Our Bedroom - closets galore - the whole wall.

The other bedroom, my favorite room, my playroom.

Kitchen - with all the amenities, there's a small TV on the wall to the right above the above the sink.

Our eating area.

I don't have a picture of my washer/dryer and this is the area where I can hang laundry right of the master bedroom.

Friday, September 11, 2009

View of Seoul from the air

I took these pictures when I was leaving South Korea on August 8th.

Incheon Airport was #1 rated by Travel and Leisure magazine and I admit, it is very nice and not complicated as other airports I have been. It is very easy to get in and out. Duty free shops, restaurants, internet cafe and a place to charge your phone. There's even a golf course.

A small view of Seoul on the air

Good Morning

What a morning! This is what I woke up to yesterday morning, a dragonfly on our window screen, and look at that dawn just when the sun comes out.


Jesse and I had the company's rental car this weekend a Korean SUV and we drove 30 km north of us and also around town. It was interesting to see along the way and here are some pictures. I could have taken more but Jesse would not take a chance of slowing down along the highway. It just made me more insistent on not getting a car because of how everyone drives. I don't know how many times I have to calm Jesse down and how many times I have to close my eyes.

Downtown Uijeongbu city

A motel along the highway

Another motel along the highway

Back in South Korea

It took almost 24 hours of traveling (including layover in LA, where I took the picture above) from Mesa, AZ to our apartment in Uijeongbu City, South Korea. I am still recovering from jet lag and it's almost a week now and I am still sleeping and waking up weird hours.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

CA and Mesa

I believe there's a time for everything as it is written in Ecclesiastes.
I think we all know it and maybe we all don't believe it.
Have you ever looked back in your lifetime and analyze it? Try it sometime.

Grandma and Grandpa Costales are now both buried in Riverside National Cemetery in CA. Grandpa Costales in 1993. Even though it was a sad event, Grandma Arcadia's services was good. It was good to see family, friends and faces we haven't seen in a while. This picture was taken the day after Grandma's internment at the cemetery. It was very early in the morning, very quiet, serene and peaceful.

An afternoon at Downtown Disney. Thank you Manny and Holly for your love and hospitality.

The love of my life

the other love of my life.

I am the love of his life.